
19 januari 2023 - Ede, Nederland

Love Like a lightning strike Like the sun that warms you Like the stars that make you shine Like the moon that makes you light in the darkness Like seeds that sprout Like leaves dancing in the wind Like the water that flows through the streams And the sea that makes you sway on the waves The horizon that makes you wish The Heaven that lets you feign Your heart that beats faster And make your body tremble

 In which everything is possible And no mountain too high What conquers all And makes everything rise What sets you on fire And make your fears disappear What gives you hope And desire And what you let discover And think

What hypnotizes you And paralyzed In which your life seems endless And the impossible possible Transforming dreams into reality And reality turns into a nightmare In which trust continues to support you And miracles are normal

 Because love is everything And never ends

Love is devotion Knows no guilt Knows no fear Love is conquering Love is a matter of time Because love is just love Indescribable and inexpressible


 Love is beyond the Universe Infinite and unattainable But accessible if you allow it Allow love Love in you and me Love love
